Friday, July 20, 2007
Screaming Little Brother
I have a 4 year old brother that really gets on my nerves. If he doesn't get his way, then he will scream your ears off. He is also the baby of the family. Being the baby and being a 4 year old is not a good mix. The four year old is a pain in the neck, but sometimes he is nice. He is really interested in sports and is very dedicated to baseball and basketball. This leads back to the same problem. If my dad and I are playing basketball, he will tell us to take turns with him and to lower the goal from 10 ft to 7 1/2 ft even though we have another basketball that fits his size perfectly. When I'm practicing baseball with my dad or brother, he will want us to throw him the ball every other time. Let's just say I don't get in as much practice time as I would like. Even though he is a potty mouth, a bad sport, and an annoying little brat, he is family and I do love him (sometimes).
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I think all older brothers and sisters have this problem. Things will be better as he gets older. maybe you could give him an important job like timekeeper or scorer and get him to sit on the sidelines for a while.
I agree with Ruth - we all have problems with our little sisters and brothers. When I was 16, my 4 year old sis wanted to be taken for ice cream by my date. HE DID IT and thought she was cute! Thank God, they all grow up and one day you'll laugh about it and it will be a nice memory of your youth. :-) Greetings from Germany, Andrea
Thanks for the advice
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